Hyperbole and a Half

Ten years ago, it seemed like everyone on the internet was in love with the art and storytelling of Allie Brosh. I certainly was. Like so many others, I was a faithful reader of her blog, Hyperbole and a Halfwhere she wrote of growing up as a weird kid obsessed with cake, taking care of two very weird dogs, and managing a sometimes debilitating depression. Her stories combined seemingly crude drawings (she always looks rather like a googly-eyed worm with wire hanger appendages) and ridiculous but relatable scenarios (who hasn’t tried to figure out just what their oddball pets are thinking?) to create magic.

She published a collection of stories from the blog in 2013 to great acclaim, even outside the internet. And then she more or less disappeared from her blog, not updating it until this year, when she announced a new collection, Solutions and Other Problems. However, the library hold list for that book is long, so I figured I might as well read her first book, since I didn’t actually read it at the time, knowing that most of it had already appeared on her website. It is just as good as I remembered.

I read the entire collection in an evening, in the midst of a stressful week, and I don’t know when I’ve laughed so hard. I remembered her God of Cake story well, and I couldn’t possibly forget Simple Dog and Helper Dog, but it was fun to revisit them. I didn’t remember the goose getting into the house; although she had written about it on her blog, the story in the book is more elaborate, and the version in the book was unbearably funny. Now I’m looking forward to the new book even more.

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7 Responses to Hyperbole and a Half

  1. I always think it’s nice how much the internet thinks about Allie Brosh and wishes her well. I actually got her latest book for my aunt for her birthday, which of course means that I read it before gifting it. It was excellent! Though, content warning for a sibling’s suicide.

    • Teresa says:

      I’m so glad to hear the new book is good! I haven’t seen any reviews, so I was wondering if it was disappointing. It made me so happy to see people being so kind when she re-emerged with the new book announcement, like we’d all been quietly wondering and worrying.

  2. Peggy says:

    I didn’t know about the new book and am thrilled that there is one! Thanks so much for reviewing it.

  3. indiefan20 says:

    I’ve been interested in reading this book for a while but I have to admit the illustrations are a little bit of a turn-off for me. However, I’m always up for some mental health rep and if this author is as funny as everyone says she is I’ll probably get it from the library soon. :) Luckily I haven’t read her blog so all the stories will be new to me.

  4. Heather says:

    The Zoom book launch event that Allie Brosh did with Powells for Solutions and Other Problems was amazing – there was such a feeling of community in the audience chat, and I laughed so much when she read a section of the book. Now I need to get around to reading the whole thing!

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