Longbourn, Jo Baker (12/13)

*King, Queen, Knave, Vladimir Nabokov (12/13)

*Wolf Hall, Hilary Mantel (12/13)

Ship of the Line, C.S. Forester (abandoned, 12/13)

Awakening and To Let, John Galsworthy (12/13)

Doctor Sleep, Stephen King (11/13)

Acedia and Me, Kathleen Norris (11/13)

Indian Summer of a Forsyte and In Chancery, John Galsworthy (11/13)

Fables, vol. 14-18, Bill Willingham (11/13)

Enter a Murderer, Ngaio Marsh (11/13)

A Man of Property, John Galsworthy (11/13)

*A Time to Keep Silence, Patrick Leigh Fermor (11/13)

The Financial Lives of the Poets, Jess Walters (11/13)

The Danger Game, Kalinda Ashton (11/13)

Off With Their Heads!, Maria Tatar (10/13)

Malice Aforethought, Francis Iles (10/13)

The Forest Unseen, David George Haskell (10/13)

My Life in France, Julia Child (10/13)

*Tenth of December, George Saunders (10/13)

Binny for Short, Hilary McKay (10/13)

Wise Children, Angela Carter (10/13)

So Much Pretty, Cara Hoffman (10/13)

Tracks, Louise Erdrich (10/13)

Talulla Rising, Glen Duncan (10/13)

St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, Karen Russell (10/13)

Pawn in Frankincense, Dorothy Dunnett (re-read, 10/13)

The Examined Life, Stephen Grosz (9/13)

*No Name, Wilkie Collins (9/13)

*Let the Great World Spin, Colum McCann (9/13)

The Redbreast, Jo Nesbø (9/13)

100 Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez (9/13)

Jack and Jill, L.M. Alcott (re-read, 9/13)

An Old-Fashioned Girl, L.M. Alcott (re-read, 9/13)

The Unknown Ajax, Georgette Heyer (8/13)

The Uninvited Guests, Sadie Jones (8/13)

*The Ocean at the End of the Lane, Neil Gaiman (8/13)

Life of Pi, Yann Martel (8/13)

Home, Toni Morrison (8/13)

The Talisman Ring, Georgette Heyer (8/13)

Truth, Peter Temple (8/13)

*Wartime, Juliet Gardiner (8/13)

Hamlet, Revenge!, Michael Innes (8/13)

*The Shahnameh, Abolqasem Ferdowsi (7/13)

Reginald, Saki (7/13)

The Innocence of Father Brown, G.K. Chesterton (re-read, 7/13)

Testament, Alis Hawkins (7/13)

Butterfly, Sonja Hartnett (7/13)

Chasing Vermeer, Blue Balliett (7/13)

*The Last Chronicle of Barset, Anthony Trollope (7/13)

Caddy Ever After, Hilary McKay (6/13)

Far North, Marcel Theroux (6/13)

*Nikolai Gogol, Vladimir Nabokov (6/13)

*Dead Souls, Nikolai Gogol (6/13)

House of Silk, Anthony Horowitz (6/13)

Joyland, Stephen King (6/13)

Skating to Antarctica, Jenny Diski (6/13)

*The Fountain Overflows, Rebecca West (6/13)

Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe (6/13)

The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives, Lola Shoneyin (6/13)

The White Witch, Elizabeth Goudge (6/13)

The Return of Captain John Emmett, Elizabeth Speller (6/13)

The Anthologist, Nicholson Baker (6/13)

Gatekeepers, Franca Iacovetta (6/13)

The Man Who Liked to Look at Himself, K.C. Constantine (5/13)

The Disorderly Knights, Dorothy Dunnett (re-read; 5/13)

Three Guineas, Virginia Woolf (5/13)

L’homme à l’envers, Fred Vargas (5/13)

Love Wins, Rob Bell (5/13)

The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place, Maryrose Wood (5/13)

Trauma, Patrick McGrath (5/13)

*There but for the, Ali Smith (5/13)

Some Assembly Required, Anne Lamott (5/13)

NOS4A2, Joe Hill (5/13)

Permanent Rose, Hilary MacKay (5/13)

Little Dorrit, Charles Dickens (5/13)

The Hidden, Tobias Hill (4/13)

Imperfect Birds, Anne Lamott (4/13)

In the Woods, Tana French (4/13)

The Book of Night Women, Marlon James (4/13)

*The End of the Affair, Graham Greene (4/13)

A Kiss Before Dying, Ira Levin (4/13)

The Psychopath Test, Jon Ronson (3/13)

The Family Man, Elinor Lipman (3/13)

A Treacherous Likeness, Lynn Shepherd (3/13)

Fables, vol. 48-85, Bill Willingham (3/13)

The Waves, Virginia Woolf (3/13)

Queen’s Play, Dorothy Dunnett (re-read, 3/13)

The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner, James Hogg (3/13)

*To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf (3/13)

*Novelties and Souvenirs, John Crowley (3/13)

Trouble for Lucia, E.F. Benson (3/13)

*Poetry and the Age, Randall Jarrell (3/13)

The Wallet of Kai Lung, Ernest Bramah (3/13)

Puck of Pook’s Hill, Rudyard Kipling (3/13)

The Small House at Allington, Anthony Trollope (2/13)

Lady Into Fox, David Garnett (2/13)

The Mayor of Casterbridge, Thomas Hardy (2/13)

Terra, Gretchen Powell (2/13)

The Voyage Out, Virginia Woolf (2/13)

The Famished Road, Ben Okri (2/13)

*The Children’s Book, A.S. Byatt (2/13)

*When I Was a Child I Read Books, Marilynne Robinson (1/13)

*The Translator, John Crowley (1/13)

The Willoughbys, Lois Lowry (1/13)

1001 Nights of Snowfall, Bill Willingham (1/13)

Fables series, Bill Willingham, vol. 19-37 (1/13)

*Ada, or Ardor, Vladimir Nabokov (1/13)

This is How You Lose Her, Junot Diaz (1/13)

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